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Gender and Women Empowerment

Uplifting Women, Unleashing Potential

At People in Need Foundation, we take a multifaceted approach to empower disadvantaged women through social mobilization, skills development, awareness building and advocacy.

Economic Self-Reliance Through Livelihoods Training

Many marginalized women endure financial dependence and lack of income sources. We provide comprehensive vocational skills training in livestock rearing, small businesses, handicrafts, tailoring and other activities aligned to local market needs. The women also gain support in opening self-help group bank accounts and accessing government microcredit/grants to start enterprises. As they attain economic self-reliance, their status within families and communities improves. Over the past decade, we have provided livelihoods training to more than 10,000 women enabling them to earn with dignity.

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"Transforming threads into empowerment: Skilfully stitched blouses by our talented rural women, a testament to skill development and economic independence."

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Building Solidarity Through Women’s Groups​


Our self-help groups bring 15-20 women together in a support system focused on financial literacy, savings, discussing social issues, and collective agency. The groups meet monthly with guidance from our community workers to share problems, identify solutions, and take action. Members contribute small savings which fund loans for income generation. At village, district and state levels, we facilitate networked federations that amplify women’s voices. Through this solidarity, women gain awareness of rights and platforms to demand gender equality in wages, property, political representation.


Awareness Through Events and Campaigns​


We actively organize events on International Women’s Day and National Girl Child Day across schools, colleges and communities. Through rallies, presentations and interactive activities, we engage youth on issues like women’s education, Foeticide, sexual harassment, domestic violence and gender rights. This helps counter regressive attitudes and promotes greater sensitivity. We also run campaigns advocating for labor protections, political representation and other policies to benefit women.


​Securing Futures for the Girl Child - Initiatives for Girl Child Protection


People in Need Foundation partners with child rights organizations to protect vulnerable girls from abuse, exploitation and child marriage prevalent in many communities. Through awareness drives, we educate parents and community members on the importance of ensuring every girl is valued and treated with dignity at home and in society. Our girl child protection initiatives provide life skills workshops, remedial education, legal aid and counseling to uphold the rights of girls to a safe childhood where they can thrive free from discrimination. We believe securing futures for the girl child is essential for building a just society.

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People in Need Foundation, founded in 2005,
is a Non-Governmental Organization committed to transforming the lives of those in need across underdeveloped areas in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Contact Us

Flat No.311,
Yaganti Sikara Apartment,
Near Gujjanagundla Power Station,
Guntur – 522006, AP, India.

Call us

   Tel     : +91 863 3567391, 
Mobile  :  +91 9949400814

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